Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Picked this up from Indiana Law Blog. It appears that that certain comments or posts can be deemed libelous. The first case and how many shall follow, maybe even the first class-action libel lawsuit..hmmm

VR said...

Local Patriot said...
My Lord woman, you think the government is the reason for all of your woes? Get a %$#@ job, work, pick your ass up by the boot straps and take care of yourself.

I'm tired of my tax dollars paying for all the lazy asses in SW Fort Wayne that sit on their asses all day and moan about how unfortunate they are instead of getting a damn job.

Of course there is attrition. Since most of the murders in this town are in SE Fort Wayne and are Black-On-Black maybe the problem will eventually take care of itself.
M said...
Well, I must say you are full of hatred towards the white race. What gives?
Jay said...

Mayor Dick said...

Wilford Douglas said...
Good luck on finding a female black person that's a lawyer that will take your down-trodden stuck on the plantation point of view. You see she'll have a nice job because she earned it and wouldn't dare jeoprodize her career to represent a class of people that live off public assistance because they're too lazy to do it on their own.

Vince Robinson said...
If it's offensive about the school or other students they need a warning. If they do it again, punishment.

If it's just commentary, no punishment but who's to decide that? If rules like that were in place for blogs like this one you'd be getting the paddle every day and I would be the first in line to hand out the punishment.

Usualis said...
How is this for specific? I would paddle your ass with great delight if i had the chance. Might even make you wear a ball gag whilst I perform the dirty deed. Of course you'd have to be consenting.

QuePaSooo said...
Is this your son?

Black Conservative said...

With you, it is always about race. I'm ashamed to have you as a member of my race, Black that is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do you drink when you type? If not, maybe you should consider it. However, I have found your musings become easier to read if I drink.

Anonymous said...

Bill Hansen said...
Funny. Mexicans have a much worse plight than blacks and they love Wal-Mart. They are so miserable at home, so destitute, that they risk life and limb to come to the US for a better life. Most of them speak little English. Some of them die in the desert while attempting to get here. All so that they can find a job for a few bucks an hour.

Amazing how, not knowing the language or being familiar with the culture and customs of their new foreign home, they are able to work and survive. Many even go on to open their own businesses as they learn their new language and create a better life for themselves and their families.

Despite all of the racism and calls for mass deportation (going on currently, not 150 years ago), they thrive. No calls for "reparations" for the Mexican-American war. Just people, for the most part, with a good work ethic and a desire for better things for their families.

It's funny to hear some blacks whine about slavery instead of taking responsibility for their own lives. They have every advantage. Affirmative action, equality laws, they know the language, they were born and raised here. Get up off of your laxy butts, get a job and get off of the public dole. Quit spittin out babies for the sake of more public assistance and food stamps, etc..etc..

Black "leaders" would have you believe that they can't possibly thrive because whitey doesn't love them.

Also, one has to wonder why there isn't a National Association for the Advancement of White People?

How pathetic "you" are.

Anonymous said...

You have, unwittingly no doubt, stumbled upon the biggest problem facing Black people in America today. But don't flatter yourself by thinking that you (or "whitey") are the problem. You aren't.

Your might be delusional - Black people aren't all lazy, baby-producing whiners...

Your might be a hypocrite - for all your pronouncements that Black people have "every advantage," neither you nor I are stupid enough to believe that you would never have the guts to live as a Black man in America - not even for a week.

And, like anti-Semites who claim the Holocaust never happened, you might be a historical revisionist - Black should just "get over" slavery, right?

But Bill, despite all that, you are not the problem. You aren't even relevant. In fact, I'm not writing even writing this to you. I writing it for my Black people.

Our problem is that we obsess over what people like Bill think about us. Bill might not ever get another thing right about Black people but he hit the nail on the head when he wrote "Black 'leaders' would have you believe that they can't possibly thrive because whitey doesn't love them."

We are so desperate for validation from white people -even those who clearly hate us - that we can't think straight. Rev. Latham didn't press Wal-Mart for a single thing that mattered. He didn't ask for a solitary thing that will improve a single life. He didn't ask for jobs. He didn't ask for money. He didn't express concern for Black-owned small businesses on the southside that will suffer from Wal-Mart's monopolistic practices. Latham's solitary concern was that Wal-Mart might be treating us different. His primary concerned was over what Wal-Mart THINKS about Black people?

White people no longer control our destiny. We need leadership that understands that. We need Black leaders who are dedicated to moving us forward, not "leaders" who posture for a "respect" that fails to achieve anyghing meaningful in the lives of Black people in our city.
Bill Hansen said...
Wow! Nicely put, Vince.
Anonymous said...
Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers
Anonymous said...
Wash up Cred-doh
Bill Hansen said...
1995 Allen County Election Results

City Council, 1st District
Gary Grossman (R) 2,051 (41%)
Archie Lunsey (D)* 2,585 (52%)
Jacqueline Dowdell (I) 335 (7%)
write-in 1 (0%)
Bill Hansen said...
You need a spelling and grammar lesson. It's funny because I've been posting anonymously on your blog and you appear to think that it is this turkette fellow.

As for not asking people to register, that's exactly what I'm doing. So now you know who I am. You are a freak, and a racist.

Jessica Rabbit said...
I have blatantly posted anonymously on this blog, and I too have seen Mr. Turkette blamed for my own actions. As a matter of fact I believe an anonymous post that I made has caused this action by you.

I 9/19/2006
Bill Hansen said...
I would not know turkette if he walked up and slapped me.

You are a lunatic.

I start my day laughing my ass away by reading your blog. The mispellings and terrible use of the english language are just way too funny.
Judy L said...
I just come here to get my ebonical laugh for the day.
Judy L said...
Ebonics is a losers way of trying to pass English 101 without reading the damn text book.
Anonymous said...
It seems your biggest issue is the lack of lay aways. Can I ax you a question? When was the last time you put something on lay away?
Jessica Rabbit said...
From what I can tell by everything I have read and heard in news reports, it appears to me that Wal-Mart has put much thought into their store policies through market data research and the overall success/failure rate of specific services provided to customers within their stores. I really have a hard time thinking they would implement such policies in 27 stores nationwide just so they could discriminate against one particular portion of an area in northern Indiana. Doesn't quite make sense to me!
Anonymous said...

Saving is a concept created by white raced robber barons in the dawn of the Industrial Age to hoard the working man and womans monies and use it for their own means, giving back a pittance of what they earned by way of interests.

What part of this discrimnatory practice by white raced men don't you understand?
Anonymous said...
You friggin idiot! Christ, read FWOb's blog. Latham is dead wrong. PERIOD. Christ almighty, how many stores has Walmart done this in ALREADY???????????? A bunch.

On top of that, with no self checkouts, that means more cashiers. Dumbass

You just want your drug punching dope heads to have a place to hang in the wee hours slave girl.

%$#@ OFF
Anonymous said...
It is very apparent that you don't know JACK-SH*t about football.
Blogger54223 said...
As I understand they settled it. So what is the big deal?
S Shine said...
They should sue your ass for stealing a copyrighted piece of work.

Now will the real Vince, Mayor and S. Shine, somebody or somebodies are using your name.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/10/2006

    Good grief. I should probably do a post like this, too.
