Friday, March 16, 2007

Liberty Day

When learning about American history, often we think fighting for liberty was and is a thing of the past. As we struggle locally to access information and speak truth to power, we understand that the battle is ongoing. But we move forward on our beliefs that are based on principles established in documents crafted by the governing and founders of this country. There are those who wish to remind us of a principled government:
In the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and its defenses in the Federalist Papers, we find many principles which lay the foundation of our American Republic. These principles have been under attack since the death of George Washington, and with decreasing understanding of these principles, our foundation is beginning to erode as well. Dedicated to Liberty Day, the purpose of this carnival is to promote discussion of events, trends and ideas in light of these founding principles. Entries come from a variety of viewpoints, but all present ideas worthy of examining as we ponder the foundation we are leaving for future generations. Unless otherwise indicated (by EC for editor's choice), all blog entries were submitted by the authors.
More can be found on Dana Hanley website