Friday, October 13, 2006

Republican Rumor or Joke

Republicans must be spreading the rumor that Evan Bayh will be running for President. Does anyone besides the folks in Indianapolis know who Evan Bayh is, besides other democrats?


  1. Most political pundits know who he is because he's made himself such a strong fundraising structure...

    Bayh's consistently been 2nd in fundraising behind a certain Senator from NY. He's established a strong campaign staff and has made uncounted trips to Iowa and NH...

    People who know politics know who he is... and when he starts advertising (after he actually announces) everyone else will too.

    I’d definately encourage you to strongly consider him…

    For more information on Senator Bayh please visit:

    All America PAC Senator Bayh’s PAC
    BayhPartisan All things Sen Bayh
    Americans For Bayh Grassroots Bayh 2008
    Sen Bayh’s Facebook Profile

  2. You are absolutely correct on the fundraising part. But, he is going to have to share those funds with more astute political leaders.
