Saturday, January 13, 2007

Poverty Pimps main customers-Women and Children

Women hold up the sky for the city leaders in Fort Wayne. The city of Fort Wayne population is more than 50%. Yet the majority of the elected position are held by men. That's right, women elected men to determine where they will live, where they will work and how their children will be educated. These woman talk independence but are dependent on leadership from men.

These men are not listening. Instead, these elected and appointed men, maintain the status quo. The women take the lower paying position and do the maintaining of the office duties while the men stand conduct the meetings and stand before the media an talk about efficiency and effectiveness of their departments.

In other words there is no way for women to have worked in these departments and not have mastered the skills to run the department. Yet, a new comer, generally a bread winning male comes in as leaderships. Something is wrong with that picture.

According to The Best and Worst State Economies for Women Report,

Women are more likely to be working or looking for work
in the mountain states and upper Midwest, a few
northeastern states, and Alaska.

Women are not earning their fair share when competing in the market place in cities like Fort Wayne.

In 2005, the typical woman who worked full-time, year-round earned only 77.0 percent as much as the typical man.

This gender wage gap is greater in the Midwest.

It is worst in much of the Midwest, the South, and
the Northwest.

And what about professional women or women in managerial positions in the state of Indiana compared to other states?

In the District of Columbia, 52.5 percent of women are employed in managerial and professional occupations.

So what is the city of Fort Wayne actually doing to support professional women businesses? And another question would be, how is the city supporting the education of women? If you really want to talk about brain drain. If women are returning to higher education, you think the city would be funneling money towards empowering these women. Not.

By supporting women, this would displace many ineffective male workers on the city pay roll. So where do you find many of these women in the city of Fort Wayne? Working on poverty pimps programs entitled nonprofits. If the city nonprofits were doing what they say they are to do why is it that so there are so many of our children failing in schools, dropping out of schools, unprepared while in school? Photo-ops and Window dressing.

Who are the clients of these women who work for these program? Generally poor (not stupid) women and children. So do you really think these nonprofit manipulators are going to help lift these folks out of poverty. If these nonprofit leaders did that, they wouldn't have a job!!! Go figure. It is a vicious and ugly cycle. But who said pimping is easy! You got to save your selves S.O.S. built community.

Women read the report yourselves.

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