I should add on a sad note, Indiana once enshrined discrimination in its constitution against African-Americans through the so-called exclusion amendments. Interestingly, those amendments were placed in the Article 13 rather than the Bill of Rights. These amendments did such things as exclude blacks from entering the state and ban interracial marriages. The Article 13 amendments were invalidated by the enactment of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution following the Civil War. They were subsequently repealed.
African-Americans did not wait on the laws to be repealed.
African-Americans did it anyways. African-Americans did what they had to do fighting against though appointed to make such crazy laws. Unless they entered the arena and became part of the rule making body to change things. It was not going to be done with the status quo, who created such laws in the first place. It is an ongoing battle.
Coach Tony Dungy is not a lawmaker, he is a Superbowl Coach.
Dungy is not one of the legislators who are opposing SJR-7. I don't understand how same sex proponents line themselves up with Democrats or Republicans . Both members of both parties oppose SJR-7, yet I don't hear the same sex individuals, saying let's not supporting these parties. They keep voting for the Party. How hard is it to write in your name or stop another party. That's what the Republican did. They created a new party from the Whigs.
Why, the big deal over SJR-7 ? It's the benefit part to be in a same sex relation is less costly if companies proves certain benefits. It was interesting to hear that two of the largest companies stepped forward in this debate. Suggesting that SJR-7 may hurt the companies should attracting certain employees. I did not interpret that to necessary mean same sex couple, but more like those who can legally marry choosing not to marry.
Many couples are choosing not to marriage but attempt based on living together arrange attempt to provide and bestow benefits on each other as if they were married, such as sharing the same last name, property, and health benefit. Many of these folks are protected from the legal messiness of divorce law when they decide to go their separate ways. I believe these were the folks the two big companies were most concerned about not attracting.
And let's stop picking on Dungy. You are not going to get him fired. Dungy is not the poster child African-American who is spreading hate. It's just same sex folks looking for another excuse to hate African-Americans, by pointing to a prominent African-Americans and saying he is against same sex folks. It just not true. The man is going to retire from his job.
And the comparison to African-Americans is not a comparison. African-Americans have not been given anything. The struggle continues.
more on the hearing on Indiana Law Blog.
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