Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Darfur- Africa how can we forget?

Talking with displaced Africans here in my hometown, I feel a sense of hopelessness. How can I help stop four years of genocidal violence? The countless number of lives lost. The sad amount of aid to Africa from the United States in ending the travesty against our people, and the indifference from the people in the United States. Outrage does nothing, as I type this message during the week of April 23rd through the 30th to highlight the war against people in Darfur.

Somewhere, tell someone that this is indeed happening in the world.


  1. Anonymous4/24/2007


    So glad you did this post. This story needs to be front and center in the headlines for as long as it takes to get something done.

  2. Temple and a few other bloggers have posts that are a must read.
