So where is the real outrage? Rev. Jesse Jackson is going to lead a protest against NBC. And if Imus is lucky, Rev, Jackson will apologize for him. Or reduce it to a Fox News Compromise. Jack and Jill Politics calls it flip-flopping.
Outrageous. Who filed a lawsuit for the New Jersey Rutger Women's basketball team members for defamation of character and emotional distress? Let's settle this mess !!
Francis L. Holland has a long post on loving and freeing your African hair..
Thanks for linking my article. I'm glad you liked it! Let's trade Afrosphere links!
ReplyDeleteAs for Jesse Jackson, there is a real risk in our genuine political voice becoming muddled when we become too entangled and funded by the big corporate media. Our strong and unique political voice becomes a victim of our own success at integrating the system.
Maybe it's not so bad. We can let Jesse Jackson be the new Sam Donaldson and, meanwhile, the Afrosphere can be the strong and implacable voice Jesse Jesse Jackson was twenty-five or thirty years ago. It's going to be a lot harder to co-opt a hundred-thousand Afrosphere blogs than to co-opt a handful of Black politicians.
I think its easy to co-opt the masses. I was a Dr. King, Jr. Malcolm X Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael fan much more than a Jesse Jackon. It was something about that Jesse.
ReplyDeleteCould it had been his ability to rhyme..a Sorta of Cassius Clay era?
I hope folks did not show up and did not turn on the radio. Fire the man, and sue the station and Imus.
Let's place blame where blame lies. It is our own fault for allowing black people (rap artist, comedians, and actors/actresses) to get away with saying the same thing. I have always protested the language, and now that a white, controversial radio personality uses the same vulgar language, we want to burn him at the stakes.
ReplyDeleteHe has as much right to use derogatory terms as any of the thug, black artist who make big bucks off of degrading black women. I knew as soon as artist started singing “kill whitey” or a white person started referring to blacks as hos, bitches, and niggas, we'd be upset. Let's put an end to all the degradation. NOBODY USE IT.
Personally, as a black woman, I'm not too terribly impressed with black men in leadership positions for being so lenient with the use of the terms when black people use them. I’m just as offended when Snoopy Puppy Dog uses it as I am when Imus uses it. Now, attack all artists who degrade me with the same vigor.
Doris..Media is where I place blame. And I don't support misogyny behavior.
ReplyDeleteSo, we agree. Thanks for commenting.
Nobody individual or group of individuals (like rappers) can give anybody permission to insult a whole group of people like Blacks. It's an excuse, not a reason or valid a justification.
ReplyDeleteBut, it really is time that we called foul on EVERYONE who calls our women foul names, regardless of who the name-callers are.
Today at my blog, on this sixtieth anniversary of Jackie Robinson's first game in Major League Baseball, I published an article entitled "The Enduring Importance of Firsts," making an argument that breaking into new areas that were once off-limits to us is an important part of securing our place in America and establishing ourselves as equals.
I first published this article at DailyKos with the title "Ending the White Male Monopoly of the Presidency," and I was banned from participation at DailyKos a few days later.
Doris, Imus did not provoke the debate on rap artists misogyny. We have been fighting it for over 10 years. His flap only elevated our voices to higher platform. Every man should stew in his own juices, judged by his own words and his own actions. Imus is Imus, an isolated case. Snoop Doog is a pimp, but you can only censor his profanity, boycot his appearances, and don't buy his records. Other than that, it's every man bears his own sin. Don't let the Imus fiasco be turned against us. There are already too many people rationalizing and covering up for Imus when everybody agrees that what he said was wrong.