Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I am a Man- Obama-$25 millions

CNN reports Senator Barack Obama raised $25 millions. Senator Obama campaign raised over $23,500,000 for the primary.

Go to Obama website for the breakdown of the numbers.

How fitting on this day, when many in the community will be honoring the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to be able to celebrate Senator Obama fund raising abilities to run for the United State's presidency.

Dr. King, Jr. was shot in Memphis, Tennessee on the balcony of the Loraine Motel on April 4, 1968.

Let us not ask the question what would Dr. King, Jr. do if he was here today. Let's ask what will you do in remembering the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. crusade for the right to be a full blooded American citizen? What will you do to change America? Senator Obama is doing his part to keep Dr. King, Jr. dream alive.

hat tip to BlackProf.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/05/2007

    Those a very good questions. We should make things happen ourselves instead of waiting for someone to do them for us.
