Thursday, April 12, 2007

sam, dave and the deputy mayor- cowboys

Let's go getta fellas. The meeting in the back, in the dark, in the corner, near the urinals.

ht/ to bag news notes.


  1. This picture is worth a thousand words. But if you've not been paying attention, I can't get you there. Sorry.

  2. Anonymous4/12/2007

    I am losing respect for you Credo..

  3. LoL

    for the sake of me, I don't understand why?

    Respect, hmmm? I never ask people, to respect, just know my steps are not ordered by man.

    Have you ever watched the color purple?

    There is a scence where Oprah says, All my had to be there.

    This picture to me is a you had to be there. LoL

    What do you think of the technique?

    Come on?

    What is it about this picture?
