But, this was a surprise.

I have a new voting place. I've been moved.
Yesterday! When do we vote? May 8, 2007. And I am just now finding out I've been moved.
This is not the first time. When my voting place was first moved it was only a block away, and I was not a happy camper. The entry to the place was not clearly marked and I had to go into the basement to vote. What happened to accessibility? In the basement, what about all the old folks who are unable to climb stairs? But, I sucked it in. I did my civic duty. But now this, with only eight days before the primary!
I received in the mail a notice letting me know I need to go to a new voting poll. The notice does not even have my name on it just "resident". I am not a happy camper. I called my local election office to confirm my new location. Yes, it is official, I have been moved. I protest, it is so many other places that I could go to vote. Can't I simply cast a provisional ballot at any of these other places? No, is the answer. I am not a happy camper.
My new location is not in another county or anything. But the folks who are trying to keep Obama from winning did not pick the most convenient spot. If these same crooks created the poll tax to discourage African-Americans from voting. I can see this little move as one of their disenfranchisement tactic.
But, I am going to vote. If it was anybody else, I wouldn't bother for the primary. But, because it's Obama I am going to vote. If they place hot coals in front of my door, I am going to walk right over them. I don't care what they say or how they try to discourage the African-American voters from voting. Obama I am going to do my part. I am going to that new place and I am going to cast my vote.
My mind is made up, vote for Obama!
ReplyDeleteObama will NOT be on the ballot this year- the Presidential election is next year.
Obama is not going to be on the ballot? Hmmmm, now what am I going to do?