Friday, May 11, 2007

NO Rain to blame

Get a grip. Fort Wayne voters low turnout can be blamed on the redistricting. Moving voters from one district to another and moving voting locations with little information provided to the voters.

They don't know who their representative is and if they don't know that who do they vote for?

Fort Wayne core has lost over 50,000 residents. White flight, leaving black power. But you better believe that little secret is being kept under wrap.

A City that has a majority of African-American and LatinAmerican population is being ruled by raced white males. What's up with that?

The Democrats wink at this arrangement because it keeps a few of their raced white neighborhood members available to serve on committees that requires a bi-partisan make up.

If it had rained they would have blamed the low voters turn out on the rain. But the real reason is that voters in the core of city do not look like the political machine.

Less than 14 % turnout is shameful, but no one will tell the truth. Few can handle the the truth that political machine is discriminatory in Fort Wayne. Heck they want to believe Fort Wayne is the All-American City !

Kelty is a Republican, and the Republican 1st choice did not win. The troops will rally around Kelty because this is a Republican town. A Republican town until you get African-Americans to the polls to vote.

Oh and before you go there, Richard ran against a female Republican. Do you think those macho males wanted a female Mayor? So we got a male mayor.

But it sure did help stack city council with a whole bunch of ...just fill in the blank.

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