Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Did Someone yell fire?

Fort Wayne finest placed on hold at city council meeting. Fort Wayne Firefighters were put on the back burner, while listening to city council members rehash Harrison Square Project.


  1. While I have been to very few city council meetings, from what I understand that the agenda is more of a first come first serve attitude. There are times where everything on the agenda will not get accomplished in the alloted time. I don't think they or anyone should take this personally.

    Am I wrong?

  2. fetchy:

    If the agenda is changed and the firefighters who work hard to service our community are not told a head of time about this change something is wrong.

    Many of the firefighters did sit for three hours and others left. The sad thing is that the agenda can be changed in such a short notice or stuff worked in that was not originally on the agenda.

    And that was my point the unfair in not following the rules of first comes first served. However, many folks who do not go to or follow city council meetings are unaware that some folks are placed ahead of other folks.

    And that's not right.

    And I point this out, do I guess we sorta agree.

    The next meeting is a public hearing about the budget, let's see how much air time the public hearing gets with all the other stuff added to the AGENDA.
