Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Council Member Tom Hayhurst touts citizens at public hearing

"All movements for change are conspiracies, by definition, just as the oppressor conspires with his fellows to hold on to power and privilege."

Fort Wayne Council Member Tom Hayhurst suggest that the council is wise and all knowing, more so than the public who give up their time and speak before the council at the public hearing. Besides these folks, generally, are limited to three minutes to speak, while some council members go on and on like the allege everready battery. These folks have the right to lay their grievances at your feet, they are citizens!

Perhaps, Hayhurst miss understood that education does not equate intelligence but more privilege at times. Or that few citizens believe that any of the Council Members represent God himself. Thus all council members as leaders are not necessary the most competent or smartest because of their education. Matter of fact, just look at our President George Bush as a leadership example. Did not our President Bush lie to the public that there were weapons of mass destruction to send children off to war?

I believe Councilman Hayhurst is a veteran.

A person does not have to be the best educated person to not blindly follow leaders with hidden agendas. It does not stop the ordinary citizen from asking questions or sometime knowing more than the educated person. I think about Dave, the owner of Wendy's did not have a high school diploma nor did Peter Jennings,the news journalist, but both would be considered experts in their field. I would take his sage advice before I would follow many of those on city council.

Hat tip to Black Agenda Report for the quote.

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