Thursday, January 17, 2008

The N-Word can be costly

Court fines man for using 'N' word

Gabcast! My two cents worth


  1. how much would the Journal-Gazzette have to pay for all the times they published/ spelled out the entire n-word over th e heritage high school "note-gate"?
    they did it gleefully, joyfully, and baitingly. with no remores. unapologetivcally.
    And look how it soon it popped up in the presidential election.
    we're a long way from 1968, and still have a looooonnnnggg way to go. and what of these 3 words? honkey, cracker, white devil? and whatever else white people are referred to as these days?
    We All have the same dream...

  2. Some of have the same far as the negative terms describing raced works both calling is unexusable is words are used to harm.

    Thanks for reading..and you comments are very interesting.
