Friday, February 08, 2008

Will Obama do a Fannie Lou? Feel the heat !

The Afrosphere dropped the goblet in asking if Obama would be a Fannie Lou for the Democrat Party. According to Cnn in an article titled Democratic delegate fight heats up, [t]hat's because unlike recent conventions, when the party tickets were firmly established, Obama and Clinton could conceivably end up short of the 2,025 delegates needed to secure the nomination.

So now what?

Yobachi of Black started the discussion in the Afrosphere.

AAPP chimed in with a post called tipping-point-superdelegates-obama

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/09/2008

    Americans are such idol worshipers that you can see from Presidential elections. The idol worshiping is so stupid and non-productive billions are wasted each time on election alone. We elect a god and we give that god a veto power to render congress unproductive. The stupidest thing only Americans can invent. A better system would be the Israeli system. You elect a party, not a god, and the party elects its leader. Since the party wins, and the leader is from the party, you can get things accomplished. Here in America we have year after year lame duck Presidents that get nothing done and we wasted all the precious time and money on this system.

    We know we have a stupid son (i.e., our Presidential system), yet we can't kill it because it's our son (i.e., being structured by the Constitution that it's impossible to change). So what do we do? Same as yesterday and keep on wasting money and time. Unfortunately, by the time we decide to do anything about it, the stupid son might already bankrupt our country.
