Friday, April 25, 2008

The other side of God damn America: Jeremiah Wright

PBS Bill Moyer Journal provides Reverend Jeremiah Wright the opportunity to tell his side of the God damn America sermon. It appears that the Rev. Wright was referencing to a comment made by a raced white male during a sermon he was giving to his church member after 9/11.

The sentiment expressed by the raced white male was that the chicken have come home to roost. And Rev. Jeremiah Wright simply suggested that God would not bless a government that was killing innocence folks. America stood guilty as charged.

But some folks don't like it when some Americans points out America's bad side, especially when it is African-Americans calling out America. But, folks like Rev. Jeremiah Wright know that when facts are added to the history of America that have been been omitted, folks who don't like the inclusion version will get angry. These folks get so angry that they begin to vilify the truth teller. These same folks will even go so far as to issue death threat to silent the truth teller.

It takes courage to tell the truth and shame the devil.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright had the courage to go back into the African-American community to serve his community for 41 years on it worth in building America, after serving his country and getting is education.

Serving his country..America.

Rev.Jeremiah Wright being polite during the interview with Moyer explained international government history of failure, using Britain as one of the example. With Britain failure to support the Patriots, the building of the United States of America began to take shape. And if we read or should I say know our history we know that our America failed with the fighting among our citizens called the Civil War. But Rev. Jeremiah Wright was too polite to point this out to Americans.

Americans like to avoid the discussion of brothers killing brothers, all because one brother did not believe that African-American were inferior to raced whites or that it was unfair to work one group of folks without proper or should I say any compensation solely because of their race (African-American) or the total genocide of one group of people just to take their land (Indians). Yes, this is our American history, but Rev. Jeremiah Wright suggest that these facts are left out in telling America's history. Our children and our children's children are given a sugar coated version of our history that does not tell the truth about an America government that has done some terrible things to its our people. So it will this lack of understanding as to why we can stand by idle and pretend that everything is peachy dorie when our government kills civilians in other countries.

But some African-Americans refuse to forget, just like some of the Japanese who were placed in camps on America soil, just as the Jews will not forget the Holocaust. The Jews speak openly about the holocaust, but African-Americans are told to tone it down when it speaks of the horror of America. And folks like Rev. Jeremiah Wright are told its okay to be educated about the history but just keep it to yourself..because America wants its children to believe its the next best thing to Apple Pie.

Rev. Wright reminds us of the important of the need of our children for a better educational system.

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