Thursday, June 19, 2008

Michelle Obama's fashion statement on the View

The Early Show reports that the black and white dress wore by Michelle Obama on "The View" cost about $148. It seems that M. Obama gave meaning to the phrase, it's the person who makes the clothes and not the clothes that makes the person.

African-American women have a long history of making a splash with their fashion statement. M. Obama is carrying on that tradition. But the real story is not the dress. The dress story is a camouflage to downplay the media disappointment in not getting a beat down of M. Obama by their beloved Elisabeth Hasselbeck .

It was clear that Hasselbeck was not a match for M. Obama. M. Obama taught Hasselbeck about the saying about a good a good woman.

The power of the fistbump to fight terrorist.


  1. Anonymous6/19/2008

    I love the dress she wore on the view yesterday, there is a White House Black Market store located near me in The Atlas Park Shopping Center where I always go.

  2. I love the dress and will admit that I bought it online after seeing Michelle in it.
