Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's the real deal with the City of Fort Wayne and Clifford Clarke?

What in the world happened to Clifford Clarke? As you know Clifford Clarke worked for the City of Fort Wayne as the Chief Information and Chief Technology Officer. I say worked because FWOB web owner Mitch Harper has blogged that Mr. Clarke has resigned effective the day after Mr. Clarke was badgered by City Council Person Tim Pape during a City Council meeting about the IT contract for the city. Harper suggest that with Clarke out of the way, it will make room for a merged position to be headed solely by the county IT administrator Ed Sheenman.

We know the city and county budget is in trouble. So I am wondering outloud, is this a forced resignation of Mr. Clarke to keep Mr. Sheenman employed? And what is this about, that Mr. Clarke was escorted from the building as reported on the morning news stated a local viewer?

Mr. Clarke states "no" to being escorted out of the building. As far as Mr. Clarke resignation or firing, "details are being worked out" as I blog this. Why the smear campaign against Mr. Clarke? Who knows? But, I suggest that the local folks who wanted their hands on that IT Contract are working overtime. Karen Goldner is a friend to both Mr. Harper and Jeff Pruitt, who have reported Mr. Clarke's resignation, and the AroundFortWayne Blog with Dan Jehl and Stephen Parker on their blogs.

But, When I spoke with Mr. Clarke, the details were still being worked out. Mr. Clarke did not discuss his future plans. But this does not stop me from speculating that perhaps, ATO has offered Mr. Clarke a position. Or Mr. Clarke is ready to start his own business. But for now, the ball is in Mr. Clarke's court as far as his future with the Democratic administrator. Let's see Tim Davies gone, his wife gone and now Mr. Clarke gone. Is this what the African-American voters of the City of Fort Wayne voted for when they elected Mayor Tom Henry?

What say you?


  1. If you have a way of contacting Cliff, I have a customer who is looking for someone of Cliff's talent. I knew Cliff professionally but not personnally and would lkike to see him recover quickly as he's a great guy and got caught in the politics of a major change/contract.

  2. At the city of fort wayne.
