Monday, September 08, 2008

It's Official-Fort Wayne-Allen County NAACP #3049 -Rev. Michael Latham has resigned

Rev. Michael Latham is a bundle of mixed emotions as rumors has circulated for months, through the community and the media, that several individuals are gunning for his position. But, Rev. Latham knows the ultimate decision for him is Family. Rev. Latham must decide whether or not he will run for president of the Fort Wayne-Allen County NAACP #3049 during this year’s election.

However, first order of business is to prepare the membership for the upcoming election and weighing heavily is the decision to get his life back on track beyond being president of the Fort Wayne-Allen County NAACP #3049. Rev. Latham breaks the news to those who attended the September membership meeting that his church, mother and son will be primary focus as he excuses himself from the battle for the position of president.

Rev. Latham last fanfare was the hugely successful Gospel Music Award. Now, these responsibilities will befall upon those who believe that being the president is just to stand and speak to the media. Rev. Latham has always argued that the NAACP’s president role would be a whole lot easier if the membership as well as the community would be more supportive. There will be an upcoming election for those who have been biting at the bit to up seat Rev. Latham and for those who are truly committed to perserving the local branch. Rev. Latham would surely want these folks to know that it’s a non paid position and the job is not an easy cakewalk.

It is my hope that Rev. Latham takes a lesser role, such as the first vice president and not completely resigns to the sidelines. Although Rev. Latham has no fight with those who seek the title of president, Rev. Latham questions the commitment of those who gave little to the organization in volunteer hours, now seeking a position that will be more than full time. It is true that membership is all that is necessary for one to run for office, but a bare minimum amount of support toward the outgoing president should be an indicator of good faith in honoring the organization.

The president office is one position. It is the body of the membership that propels the president. And if the body believes a rapping and rhyming minister, preacher, pastor, or editor is the answer to the local NAACP problems, the good news is that it still time for action. The lack of support from membership took its toll on Rev. Latham. Rev. Latham's health suffered from his commitment and it took a near death experience to get his attention; that he alone could not carry the whole ball of wax. Membership duties is to share some of their energy, intellectual expertise and to exhibit some strength of character. Rev. Latham as he steps down is still waiting for these individuals to step forward. But now, this responsibility is no longer Rev. Latham’s worry; it will be the next president of the local branch.

The nominating committee has been selected. It is the nominating committee that will be taking names for the various positions within the organization. The president is just one position, and one member does not make the majority. If you are a member you have the opportunity to select your next president, don’t sit on the sideline and wait for others to make the selection for you. Your vote may make a difference for the organization. Call Rev. Michael Latham at 466-5542 to find out just where you need to sign your name on the dotted line.

My name is Jacqueline Dowdell, an NAACP member since November 2007. I volunteered to serve as the public relation for the local branch. This is my own personal opinion piece after hearing about Rev. Latham stepping down.

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