Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Troy Davis is granted a temporary Stay

Field Negro wrote about the slim to none chance of Troy Davis avoiding death by the state. Davis won..until the United States hears his appeal.

The evidence appears to be oh so flimsy..but often that is the case. This is a case worth watching.


  1. Thank you for your excellent blog. And speaking of problematic death row cases...I'm a friend of Zolo Azania who is having his third death sentencing trial in Fort Wayne at the end of this month. I know you've written about his case before, and I and Zolo and all of his friends would love it if you could write more about it with this trial coming up - 27 years after the fact!

    We're going to be there in court to support him, and hope that other friends and supporters will be there too. The trial starts on October 20th, but the Defense should be presenting its case at the beginning of November, which is when we'll be there. I hope we see you there. Please contact me for more information if you would like some.

  2. Sara:

    Thank you for reading my blog. Please forward me the information to my email,

    Yes, I have written several articles about Zolo Azania. And pointing out the injustices of the trial that took place in Indiana was not well received.
