The Pact and The Three Doctors:
The Pact on PBS39
October 22, 2008
Brought to you by CANI
For more information, visit www.thepactthemovie.com
The Three Doctors LIVE in Fort Wayne!
October 28, 2008
Embassy Theatre
125 W Jefferson Blvd
For more information about, visit www.threedoctors.com
Growing up on the tough inner-city streets of Newark, New Jersey, three young teenagers made a pact to stick together-go to college-graduate-and become doctors. They were surrounded by negative influences and had few positive role models, but they had each other. Now several years later, these three men have overcome countless obstacles and proudly bear the subtitle of doctor.
A consortium of local organizations is proud to bring the Three Doctors to Fort Wayne! Their real-life story has already inspired local students to form their own pacts, and we hope to spread their message of courage, dedication, and possibility to more youth in our community
From the
website of the PACT

The Three Doctors ― Sampson Davis, Rameck Hunt and George Jenkins are streetwise yet
vulnerable, demanding yet charming ― and always passionate about their cause. They live life at full throttle, each yearning to find his way to contribute and make an impact on peoples’ lives. Many African Americans have grown up poor and become doctors; few, if any, have done it as a team. And even fewer have gone on to sacrifice so much in trying to make a difference in the lives of others.
Dr. Rameck Hunt
A physician and health clinic administrator who carries on his shoulders the
weight of his troubled community and dysfunctional family. Experience has
taught him you can only help those who are ready to help themselves, hence
his tough-love approach to his crack-addicted mother and his high school
dropout sister. With his father in prison, Rameck emulated the only men he
knew—those on the streets. Arrested at 16 for attempted murder (the charges
were dropped), his current success seems almost miraculous, too good to be true. At age 29, Rameck was a staff physician and manager at St. Peter’s University Hospital and a teacher at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. Rameck is currently on staff at the Princeton University Hospital.
Dr. Sampson Davis
An emergency room physician, Sam spent years working at Beth Israel Medical
Center, the very hospital where he was born and not far from the juvenile jail
where he served time for armed robbery. While in the detention center, Sam
had the revelation that changed his life and sent him on his course through
medical school and into making the pact with George and Rameck. Many of
Sam’s patients in the ER ― needle-infected AIDS victims, ex-school chums
shot during drug disputes, other victims of urban poverty ― could so easily have been himself. Since the completion of the documentary, Sam has left Beth Israel and is an E.R. physician at two other Newark hospitals and works at the Violence Prevention Center and serves in numerous mentoring programs.
Dr. George Jenkins
A dentist who dreamed his whole life of opening his own dental clinic in the
desolate neighborhood of his childhood, it was George who initially thought
of the idea of the pact. He enlisted his friends Sam and Rameck into a
partnership that bolstered them all through school. But with few resources,
student loans to pay, personal problems to sort out, he seems to be stuck and
unsure which direction to turn. On the faculty at Newark’s University of
Medicine and Dentistry, he practices part-time at a nursing home and works
toward a master’s degree in public health. George was recently made the Director of Minority Affairs at UMDNJ.
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