Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sarah Palin not quite the Obama Pleaser

Fort Wayne folks were excited to see Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Just not as excited as seeing the Presidential hopeful, Illinois Senator Barack Obama. According to Associated Press, the crowd was around 10,000, "This is such a close race, it's going to come down to the wire and it's going to come down to what you believe in," Palin told a crowd of about 10,000 gathered at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Saturday night."

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence , is probably hoping Indiana ID law will keep the numbers low for Obama to pull off a McCain win in the State of Indiana, Tom Coyne of the Chicago Tribute writes " U.S. Rep. Mike Pence expressed confidence that Indiana would stay with tradition and choose a Republican as president on Nov. 4, despite polls that show the Obama-McCain race is close. The state has not chosen a Democrat for president since Lyndon Johnson in 1964and typically is the first to chalk up a win for the Republican nominee on Election Night."

GOP can hope, there's nothing wrong with hope...

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