Ashley Smith writes an interesting article about a note that was discovered at Heritage High School with racial slurs and epitaphs. Principal Chris Hissong now calls the reaction to the note as way out of proportion.
Excuse me, while I chuckle for awhile..now let me make it clear..When a note is written with a threat toward African-Americans, plain and simple..it should be viewed as a hate crime.
"The note read, “Hunting deer or hunting (racial
epithet) were gotten (sic) drunk and pulling triggers!! ‘Welcome to Monroevile (sic).’” The note also included an expletive, a sketch of the Confederate flag and a reference to the Ku Klux Klan. Heritage had about 60 black students enrolled at the time." Words so hateful, that the reporter does not write them out.
Hate Crime.
If someone takes the time to draft a note, pick select words to call a group beyond it self-identity, and place it in a locker or a lab desk where teachers and the principal ignore it, something is wrong with the folks...and I call it racialist behavior.
Now folks who practice racialist behavior believe that they are tolerance of others because they would draft such a note..but these same folks don't discourage such behavior and it encourages it they view it as a form of free speech.
But they probably did not read the whole Constitution. These same folks will get some of their personalitiess (back in the day these personalities were called House Negroes but these racialists think they are old so slick and now call their House Negroes --personalities. (You know the saying, a rose by any other name is still a rose.) Anyway, these same folks hired by folks because of racialist behavior are employed by the master to play a game of diversity devised by the racialist. (Anybody here remember the words of Malcolm X or Stokely Carmichael.. "I also know that while I am black I am a human being, and therefore I have the right to go into any public place. White people didn't know that.Every time I tried to go into a place they stopped me."
For those of you, who don't know what diversity means, that's okay, because these folks probably don't know what it means either. The meaning that they are giving diversity, is that it teaches differences without acknowledging the contributions of African-Americans and the shameful treatment of African-Americans to obtain their natural rights.
But something has happened while these folks where playing diversity...Senator Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States of America. Now these folks are faced with talking about race, probably for the first time. How else will they talk about President Obama? President elect is getting more threats than any President in the United States of America. Question, so do you think President elect Obama is getting these threat simply because he became the 44th President of these United States of America?
So stuff your superficial diversity talk , and get a real conversation about African-Americans to show those racialist behavior folks like Dr. Novotny and Principal Chris Hissong that you see through them. Folks who never cared anything about the children who were threatened with a note filled with racial slurs and threats. Have you checked out the academic achievement scores at the schools that warehouse the majority of African-American students? And to go more step to prove my point about these folks racialist behavior ask Dr. Novotny, just what program did the high chief agree to work on with an African-American woman that works for Department of Justice ( and is not one of Dr. Novotny personalities) in order to eradicate racialist behavior problems at your school?
I am so glad I lived to see this day.
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