Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jacqueline Dowdell the blogger


  1. Hey, wait a minute, I think the person in that photo look familiar. Let me think for a moment...Yeah, now I remember, yur the person what appropriated Councilman Crawford frog last year.

    So now the secret revealed and all F.W. know who Credo really is.

  2. Hey Phil:

    Where is Crawford? Elite talking down to the folks who elect you is not the best political strategy.

  3. Yeah, but Pape took the same approach and he still stands. Sometimes I think the best explanation for our screwed up political situation is that "We the people" are schizophrenic. Evidence you ask for???

    1. Obama wins Indiana at same time Daniels re-elected in landslide.

    2. Code blue wins remonstrance, then Mol anf Corona lose at the polls.

    I'm just going to seal the deal now by adding my personal comments that I think the best President in U.S. history was the worst President in U.S. history. And if you ask which one I am talking about - yes, I mean all of them.

    We seem to want it all. Low taxes, great services, freedom without sacrifice. We want it all - all except the truth that is.

  4. I believe are system is corrupt. How else can you explain Montagano loses and Obama taking Indiana. Do you really believe folks spent as much time in the voting booth as Obama and his wife to select candidates?

    I sat in two polling places and did not see it. Matter of fact, folks were surprise as how quick they got in and out.

    The folks who vote are different from the folks who Mol attracted for his petition. Corona should have been gone a long time ago, let him fix the work force before he attempts to get on the school board to mess things up. It's bad enough that QiaQuinta is on the School Board.

    As for Pape, what are you waiting on take him out. He's grandstanding with his friend ex Councilmember Talarico. It's just a matter of time.

    Some of us want it all, some want others to only sacrifice for their own personal satisfaction and others want freedom while denying others their freedom.

    It is a government of the people not just a government of the President. Take care my friend and stay safe.

  5. First sentence should read I believe our system is corrupt.
