I have a fear of heights. I don’t know when this happened. I even loved to jump over high things. But, I always point to the time, I was painting the ceiling as a teenager and fell from the top of the ladder. I was always a climber, jumped off the roofs of houses. I climbed trees to the very top. I was good at climbing the hanging rope. I was good at walking across bridge railings. But something happened.
I think about this fear of heights which probably explains why I would never jump off the ledge of a high building. You know the ledge where every person who has had it with life challenges and goes to the roof to end it. Maybe not. Well, sometimes, you become so fed up with failures or disappointments that you jus figure killing yourself would get stop the mess. So jumping out a high building what probably do it, right? Not really.
I fell off a high ladder and I am still around to tell it. I even fell down a heating duct and missed the burning fires. So failures are like falling. Get over it, you say. It does not feel good but you can recover. But recovery can sometimes take too long. Which probably, explains, why I would rather stand just inside the corners of the building walls and not risk falling. I’ve grown to not be as much of a risk taker as I was as a young woman. I, now, would rather pretend to want to peek over the ledge of a tall building from afar. No way do I entertain the thought, that peeking over the ledge could possibly be some special fun.
Playing it safe. I've played it safe now for some many years.
Playing it safe does not mean you never thought about jumping off the ledge. It may means, you don’t want to explain why you failed. I don’t what to explain my mess, my Obamas. Have a good day and watch out for the high wind if you are standing on the ledge of a tall building.
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