Ask and it shall be given unto you.
No, I don't think this is the question running through President George Bush, Jr's head when shoes were thrown at his head by an Iraqi reporter, Muntadar aL-Zaidi. No, the what shall I do is probably a question that runs through the heads of those who believe fighting against all odds is a wasteful exercise in doing the same thing over and over and still getting the same results. And during this holiday season, the question becomes even more relevant for folks losing their jobs and their homes. But hold on..
The answer may come in a whisper. No? Well maybe the answer will come from those who have faced adversity. You know the type of folks who are left paralyzed by the endless road of bad luck. Those folks who could not contemplate envisioning the baby steps of climbing out of the black hole of despair. Willie Wilson, speaks to these folks. Wilson would probably tell you and (those other folks) to hold on to that thin rope of hope..ask..
Just imagine how going from dirt poor to owning millions of dollars. That's just what happened to Willie Wilson. Dr. Willie Wilson (honorary degree) left home to seek riches and fame. It was a road of lessons leading to resources and opportunities. Wilson discovered sometimes resources are needed beyond your work ethic to get a person to the next level. Wilson tells his story in a book titled What Shall I Do Next When I Don't Know Next What To Do? about going from earning 20 cents to becoming a millionaire.
Wilson writes about the value of self. Especially when others have written you off based on the minuet amount of green folded inside the lining of a wallet. For those who have accomplished so much Wilson suggest they give back. How about that? The spirit of giving!! So, those have reached insurmountable wealth and are pondering what shall I do next, Wilson teaches a lesson of giving back. There is probably some families out there without a holiday meal or even a place to lay their head. So what shall you do?
Trying giving or sharing a little bit. Take about half of those presents under that Christmas tree and give to the needy. Have a goodnight my Obamas.
It's so nice blog with informative world development. I like to read more, keep on updating.