Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle.
What will the new year bring for me? I don't have a clue, but whatever it is, 2008 has seasoned me well for what's to come. I am filled with joy to live to see another year. I can not see into the future what the new President will do for the country, but I do know that I am still in awe that I have lived to witness an African-American taking center stage of our government.
But politics is not the love of my life..What secrets do I hold close to my heart?
I am so grateful to two grown women, my two daughters. I can depend on these two no matter what. Young, gifted and black and refuse to let me live a life of homelessness or poverty. And did I mention my five grandchildren, the oldest a college student, the second oldest a brain, the third the most carefree male in the world, the fourth the most girly-girly, (more so than her sister) and the last but not the least the fifth the most spoiled young man in the universe, who has two dimples that makes me smile and grateful I lived to see the day he was born.
What special talented gifts.
Oh, I have much to complain about. So just go back and read some of my previous posts. Be real my Obamas and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Two things I leave you for the new year, a leaf changes over night and...
Remember to give your flowers...

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