Saturday, April 18, 2009

Allen County Unemployment Rate reported high in April

According to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development's preliminary report, Allen County unemployment rate is at 10.8%. Allen County sits nestled between some counties with unemployment rates going as high as 17.5% in Noble. Allen County even surpasses the State's average of 10.6%.

This is a preliminary report unemployment report. But one thing is clear the numbers are huge. As far as surrounding states' unemployment, Michigan is the run away with a 12.6% unemployment rate. A 2% lead on the State of Indiana. Illinois is 9.1%, Kentucky 9.8%, and Ohio 9.7%, all below Indiana.

Allen County could be in denial as it finds itself only slightly behind the State of Indiana overall unemployment at 0.2%. Especially, when in March 2008, the State of Indiana was 5.5% while Allen County was almost a percent higher at 6.3%. The State of Indiana unemployment almost doubling in a year, but Allen unemployment growing only 4.7%

What is not clear what's driving the unemployment rate and when will the numbers stop climbing? Allen County 10.8% unemployment rate has the potential of reaching the 1982 State of Indiana 12.8% unemployment rate.

It's going to be a long hot summer.

1 comment:

  1. time to hit the job boards, heres 3 chosen by as the best results for job seekers - (professional networking) (agregated listings) (matches you to jobs)

    good luck to those looking.
