Thursday, June 11, 2009

Racial Hatred on Display at the Holocaust Museum

It just talk, folks say, when saying racial things behind closed doors by folks like James Von Brunn. But it didn’t. Von Brunn belief system was shared with many other folks. Many of the folks believed the same as Von Brunn. Yet media wants to paint the man as CRAZY.

Crazy, because Von Brunn was not just satisfied with the fact that he could live in a segregated neighborhoods.
Crazy for not enjoying the fact that his children could be home schooled or attend private schools.
Crazy because employment discrimination would protect him from commingling with those he did not like.

Crazy because Von Brunn wanted to personally execute those who he believed was deny him the opportunity to live in less brown America.

Von Brunn was not crazy, he was old. Von Brunn had nothing to lose when he decided to take a rife to kill people. Von Brunn knew exactly where to go to get out his message, Had Von Brunn chosen a Black Museum; he may not have gotten as much coverage. The most that would happen, Von Brunn would be written off as a racist.

So the not so crazy Von Brunn, the journalist Von Brunn, chose the United States Holocaust Museum. And to prove that Von Brunn was not crazy, the day he decided to go out in a glory was the same day that the former Secretary Defense wife, Janet Cohen would debut a play about an African-American male and a Jewish girl murdered at the hands of folks deemed crazy.

Von Brunn is being dismissed as crazy to pull not a conversation about how racialist policies are allowed to discriminate against those who are contributing to the browning of America. No one wants to turn in their co-workers for discriminating. No one wants to turn in their family member for discriminating.

Even President Barack Obama must deny his friends, who talk about America treatment of race, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

But now is the time to talk about race. It’s long history, replaced by others rights being the priority. The playwright Janet Cohen was right when she said it is time that we went beyond protecting buildings. In other words, it is time that we begin to protect the rights of those that America has long discriminated against.

No Von Brunn will be the hero in many homes of these folks instead of the African-American guard, Stephen Von Brunn killed in the line of duty protecting the Holocaust Museum.

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