Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class on racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy according to this article. Sgt Crowley is the officer who enticed Harvard scholar Henry Gates, Jr onto the porch. Of course Sgt Crowley wouldn't use the word enticed. I would suggest that expert trained Sgt Crowley would use his officer nice and polite demeanor to get what he wants. But that's not how Sgt Crowley would explain it.
You can read his report here.
And after the President Barack Obama labeled Sgt Crowley action stupid, Crowley hit the air ways. The expert would use his public relation skills as officer friendly with a family of three.
You get more bees with honey than vinegar. According to Lowell Police Academy five principles governs the behavior of an officer:
The duty of the police is to prevent crime and social disorder
The power of the police to fulfill their duties is dependent on their ability to secure
and maintain public respect
The police should strive to maintain a relationship with the public so that in reality, the police are the people and the people are the police
The police must seek and preserve public favor, not by pandering to public opinion, but by demonstrating absolute impartial service
The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action dealing with the problems
from the LPA website: In 1999 , the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) asked former Superintendent Edward Davis if he would coordinate a meeting with representatives from various racial/ethnic groups in the city. He complied, and the Race Relations Council was was established with a facilitated discussion on racial profiling. The discussion eventually evolved with a broader discussion focused on race relations. The forum provides an opportunity to talk about varied perspectives, and develop suggestions and recommendations for police and community training and education.
As a result of the success of that initial meeting of the Race Relations Council, Davis and PERF realized that there was a need for community engagement as part of racial profiling efforts. I n August 2000, the Lowell Police Department received grant funding from the Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) as a Peacemaker Site. The grant, titled “Police As Problem-Solvers/Peacemakers,” was designed to build police-community relations by developing mutually agreed upon expectations about service deliver.
Me thinks that the DOJ will take a closer review of police department racial profiling training and trainers.
Sgt. James Crowley Did nothing wrong but stand up to a man that was calling him names, you seem to forget these people put there life on the line everyday for us. YES there is profiling BUT not in this case, Americans are tired of the "because I am black" excuse this man just wants to make something out of nothing, look at the facts of the case. I am a black man that himself has been harrased by the police, but this is not the way to get things done, at times folk we are wrong and Harvard scholar Henry Gates did not act like a scholar he acted like a 9 year old, witness after witness black and white say he was wrong, black police say he was wrong and threatened the police. equal rights wont be won going fater the wrong people!