Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dr. John Crawford should replace Congressman Mark Souder

The republicans are coming out of the woodworks to replace Congressman Mark Souder. Souder has offered up his resignation ending his term in Congress. The list of potential contenders is growing, Randy Borror, Marlin Stutzman, Phil Troyer, David Long, Bob Thomas.

It is alleged that Thomas and Stutzman are responsible for the leak of Souder's affair causing him to give up his seat. But what is stranger than Souder's having an affair is the fact that woman in the affair contributed to Souder's campaign while her husband contributed toward a campaign by Stutzman.

It's got me scratching my head. Once the rumors starts it's hard to shake, so Stutzman and Thomas are out. So, I suggest the Republican go with someone with a presence..the one and only Dr. John Crawford. Talk about timing, just on Monday, the good doctor runs an ad requesting the opinion of voters on whether or not he should run for local office.

Who knew that something bigger was in the making?

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