Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marijuana, Mary Jane, Cannabis, or Food for the MInd

A recent trip to the Netherland exposed me to a subject I had not really thought of for a minute. As I approved my hotel two fellows were puffing on a Marijuana joint outside the door. Startled at first, I was informed it is legal. Hell, there I go imposing United States moral standards on the World. The World is bigger than the United States, and once you step outside of the U.S. you began to challenge your way of thinking or what you are taught. "Dutch drug policy is unique in the whole world. It is directed by an idea that every human being may decide about the matters of its own health. The Dutch consider this rule as fundamental, accepting for example as the only country in the world, the possibility of the controlled suicide (voluntary euthanasia), for terminally ill patients. Another idea which guides Dutch laws in their drug policy is a conviction that hiding social negative phenomena does not make them to disappear - on the contrary makes them worse, because when concealed, they become far more difficult to influence and control." But large quantity of marijuana is not encouraged, so the dealers in the United States need to stand down. But here young people are pimping the sells of marijuana. In two Cincinnati-area schools, a young teenager grows and distributed to other teens, high grade marijuana selling at $300-$400 an ounce. This bought in a good $20,000 a month for the young man. But now he is going to be labeled a drug kingpin and sentenced to hard time in somebody's prison.

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