Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Alleged Sham in Fort Wayne's Gay Community

Good Golly Miss Molly, leave it up to Dan Stockman, of the Journal Gazette to rip the covers off another nonprofit, alleged to have abused the public trust. And what Stockman uncovered was not a pretty picture for the HIV/AIDS organizer. AI joins in with a previous post about nonprofits in Indiana that are harming rather than helping the very folks their purpose statement states they want to help.

I remember offering my services.

I found the comments part with the name dropping interesting. Especially when folks floats from one organization to another organization..but you probable need to read it for yourself..go But Oprah's on the case in fighting HIV/AIDS.

Speaking of floating from one place to another place..."Change is good" is the headline in the Political Notebook,

The race for Wayne Township assessor in Allen County proved to be one of the most contested small races in the area, garnering blog attacks from both sides and several news stories.

So it seemed as if it would be awkward for new Assessor Bev Zuber, a Democrat, to take over the office this week with her
Republican opponent, Tammi McKee, as an employee. Each was accused by the opposing party of altering the value of her own property.

A solution, however, was quickly born, as Zuber took a county assessor employee with her to become her new chief deputy, leaving a spot vacant in the county assessor office. New Allen County Assessor Stacey O’Day, a Republican, then hired McKee
to fill that position. Both Zuber and O’Day said the move was best for all.

“Stacey is a good friend,” Zuber said.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this swap? Ethics? I am just asking.