Showing posts with label Allen County Sheriff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allen County Sheriff. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rev. Michael Latham, what were you thinking?

Ken Fries, Allen County Sheriff stated during his campaign nobody was going to tell him how to do his job. And that include you, Mr. President of the Local NAACP. Fries talked about all the millions of dollars leaving Fort Wayne based on drugs. How much do you think some of that drug money can keep those new sheriff posse members working? Sheriff Fries did promise them raises did he not? And did you notice his posse was made up of all raced white males. Yep, so much for inclusive in the Sheriff Department.

Now he decides he needs to convene the MetroSquad because he cares about African-Americans dying? Rev. Michael Latham, look deep into the man's eye and then tell me, if you think he cares one iota about a child dying on the southside. Tell him to hire some of these young men, if he is really concerned about their health or lives.

Can we say Tasers?

If you meet with the new sheriff in town, tell him to focus on getting some of those big money drug dealers off the street that harms thousands upon thousands of lives. Kevin Leininger wrote the story to say African-Americans don't want cowboys in our crime infested neighborhood. The point is we don't want cowboy harassing innocence folks in our neighborhood, which has pockets of permissible criminal activity. And the biggest activity everyone can agree on is drugs. Focus on that.

And I have a court case you can read and share with Sheriff Fries involving one of his staunchest supporter (one of his idol) and its got drugs written all over it. And if you could warn Fries about worshipping idol, it's in the bible. That's right, but Leininger's not going to write about that because it's an allegation. But Leininger has no problem writing about allegations about the thoughts and behavior of all African-Americans on the southside. I forgot these are his friends..can you say Republicans friends. You know your kind of friends Rev. Latham.

Tell the truth and shame the devil.

And while you're at it lay your hands on Leininger cause he needs Jesus.

Amen Amen