I am hosting today March 31, 2007 an Obama Kick Off Campaign Party. As an independent, who runs for political office is an important issue for me. I am questioning leadership constantly on where is the inclusion part of your agenda? Where is the grassroots level of participation? And too often deeds did not meet words coming from the majority of these political leaders. Soundbites.
But today, I have hope. Hope in a individual who laid his application on the table and stated he was running for the nomination for President. It was Senator Barack Obama. I watched from afar. Obama is a Democrat and I am an Independent. In my heart, I believed Obama was a plant another Jesse Jackson. But I watched. I was seeking a change. But I never believed he would run.
I watched the courage of Obama. Obama was qualified but his skin color would be an issue in his bid. Oh people will say today the world is colorblind. But they are dreamers. I see color every day I wake up. And Obama caught my attention because of his skin color. But his qualifications is what kept me watching. And it happened I caught the Obama fever and I decided to do something.
Today, I will join other supporters. Supporters who have caught the Obama fever. I originally planned for a small group of 12. At first I did not think I would get the 12, a few dropped off ,but others soon joined. I reached my maximum, and soon began to receive phone calls with request from others wanting to join the group. I could not turn them down. After call this is what they call the Obama fever.
Those who can not attend my event, you can make a donation by going to my donation page found
here. Change requires action. I dare you to donate and link this post in support of Obama. Those who are members of the afro-netizens, I dare you prove that we make a difference in the blogosphere, by donating to my fundraisers today. We talk the walk, but are unwilling to walk the walk. I have the audacity to believe that Obama can win with a blogosphere campaign. Please join me in supporting Obama08 today.