Wednesday, June 07, 2006

First Lady Laura Bush-leave no black male child behind

First Lady Laura Bush, former schoolteacher, republican president’s virtuous wife met in Indianapolis, Indiana with leadership working with youth. Mainly those who work with economically disadvantaged African-American children. Children, who may come from single parent homes, have a parent in prison or from a latch key home. First Lady Bush visit was to lend support to locals who motivate children battling against almost insurmountable odds coming from many grassroots’ organizations.

Additional encouragement, from the First Lady, to African-American parents comes almost a year later after a visit from the president himself to the Indiana Black Expo. The President acknowledged during his visit the fact that against terrible odds and because of the mandates in the federal no child left behind program, Indiana’s African-Americans children have shown progress in achieving academic excellence.

Lady Bush presence in Indiana pushes the softer compassionate conservative theme, with a motherly touch in addressing concerns for African-American males. Targeting grassroots’ groups who are aware of the problems of African-American males and wanting to make a different in the lives of children living in their community.

The Bushes’ outreach could be viewed as an attack on Democrat’s commitment to focusing on the divisive wedge issues of affirmative action, gay marriages, and abortion among the African-American community. Lady Bush speaks directly to single mothers who demands action from political leaders and accountability in reducing the amount of permissive criminal activities and the high level of poverty in their neighborhood.

While the democrats are busy drafting issues to take to the African-American voters, the republicans are going directly to the people working with these voters. In doing so, republicans can do no less than translate some of the voting block of African-Americans in republican voters.