Saturday, June 10, 2006

Head in the Sand-The Gay-Lesbian Community

The annual Indiana Gay Festival is being held this week-end according to AdvanceIndiana. In addition, the Governor will not be there. Surprise? How can anyone in the Gay Community believe that their agenda will be covered by the Republicans or Democrats for that matter?

When will they learn that the Civil Right Movement was about taking it to the street as a voting group and not about supporting mainstream interest. Some Gay Activists are happy with mainstream dropping crumbs or appearing at their rainbow parade.

It is the members of the streets that have supported Gay Rights, because many folks beyond Gays can identify with being marginalized. The article in the NUVO addresses the support from others.

Those gays who believe that they are the only folks who believe that our country should be more INCLUSIVE needs to get off that me first separatist thinking bandwagon. Me first mentality does not translate into being political connected because one has brushed (a polite word) with those connected to high places.

I would suggest reading the writings of Audre Lourde or bell hooks to help those corporate suitwearing type, the suit does not make you something other than what you are in the eyes of political leaders. If it quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. If it walks like a duck it is probably a duck. In other words if a is not a republican or is GAY even in a suit.