Monday, June 12, 2006

Politics-a woman's place is still in the home

Read the article in the journal-gazette by julie creek about the rise and fall of marla irving and thought to myself...the boys kicked Irving to the curb.

Irving, an incumbent lost by a landslide. And folks are to believe it was all because of her attitude? Hmmm, she was a good organizer they say. But a good organizer with an attitude does not make for a good politician, if she doesn't follow the rules of group think and tried to listen to the demands of the voters.

Many women within the republican party believe they are part of the good ole boys network, when they are in fact only mere workers. The feminine touch to the party fundraisers is her calling. If the girly-girly misbehave they may not get invited to all the fun parties. Sure local republican women have a few token seats, but they are not to be independent thinkers. They are in safe seats, to woe affirmative actions raced white women to the party. No the republican party is not inclusive of women or (gays). Women are only to hold up the skies for the good ole boys to remain in power.

Women are to always defer to men as an act of loyalty in the political game. They are to be satisfied with being protected by their men or accept the rewards given to them for their loyalty. Those who rebel or those who become consumed with power their credibility will be attacked. Irving wanting accountability at the local level, would disrupt business as usual. The responsibility theme the party is always touting for others, unbeknownst to Irving does not apply to the party itself.

The republican party seek women who they can easily manipulate and generally faithful housewives. Irving can run for another political office, but she will not get the blessing of the party leaders who are more than likely males.


Here's a suggestion for the election board, put the poll location cards in the folks water bill or have the voters come to your hidden office to pick them UP at the keystone buildong!!

And how comes when you do come in after trying to find the allen county election board for a change of address, the folks there don't look at your driving license? But, a driving license is required to vote at the polls? How many poll watchers will be on duty this November? I thinks lots and lots should be there eyeballing these folks from the election board.