Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am neither mean nor easy

For the those looking for the Mayor of Fort Wayne, psst take a look right here.

One of the things, I've failed to figure out is this, why is it that Mayor Graham Richards makes a quick exit when a large number of African-Americans are presence?
Just a question? Maybe it's not true but the few times I've been at events, I noticed this to happen.

Another little tidbit, Richards was speaking to a group of law students in Indianapolis, probably 6 or 7 were from Fort Wayne. After Richards finished, one student made the comment,about feeling sorry for the City of Fort Wayne, if that was it's mayor. This was a great opportunity for recruitment of young people. The class was about State and Local Government, but better than thou, failed to connect with the students.

Since, I am sharing, let me go a little deeper. There was a Chicago columnist, by the name of Leanita McClain. McClain, was the youngest writer for the Chicago Tribune and served on the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune. McClain wrote a book called a foot in each world. One of the essay in the book was about how Chicago taught her to hate whites. It was about the election for Mayor, of the darker complexion Harold Washington, McClain was a fair skinned sista from the discarded southside of Chicago and made it to an exclusive white world. McClain was disturbed by responses by raced whites concerning the election of Harold Washington, moving her finally to hate a group of people. McClain ended her life at 33 in 1984.

Each time I see Mayor Richards, and the lack of commitment to the southside, I want to throw up. I wonder if the Mayor (leading by example) is teaching young people to hate. I think about the many events that he has orchestrated with paid staff members for input from the community that have a direct impact on the lives of young African-American children on the south side, I want to throw up. When I think about the number of families who were called to a meeting and information taken from them in hopes of them finding out if they had been part of housing deal scam during his administration as a joke, and I want to throw up, not hate, just throw up.

We don't give a dang about him being connected to the information highway. We care about his administration supporting infrastructure impacting the future of young people!! Could he had said anything in the above interview about growing the economy for young people? Has he used his 6 sigma program like other companies used their 6 Sigma programs to implement diversity or for introducing young African-Americans or Latinos students to the business world? In their companies, diversity was a best business practice in order to utilize the talents and Strength of its people. Where is our Mayor on that best business practice!!

I can still hear that one student, I feel sorry for the people of Fort Wayne, as the other students filed out the classroom. I feel sorry for young African-Americans who live in a city where the Mayor is a racialist.

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