Monday, June 05, 2006

Let's end the use of the "n" word

Advanceindiana had this to say:

"Candidate Smith just can't resist the opportunity to change a statement from Hoy's United Church of Christ on "sexuality" to read "homosexuality." The word "homosexuality" has so much more zing to it you see--sort of the same way referring to an African-American as a "nigger" helps work up the prejudicial sentiment designed with its use. Its use was to prove that Hoy signed a statement saying he believed "homosexuality" is a normal, loving expression for gays and lesbians."

Advanceindiana comments about freeing the slaves. President Lincoln offered emancipation for those African-Americans that were taken as property during a war. These human property could serve a purpose as bodies to fight in a war that needed bodies. Fighting in the war was better than being property and enabled them to gain their freedom.

Let's take a poll on this? How many believe the two usages have anything to do with the other?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/27/2006

    Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
