Monday, June 05, 2006

CAlling all african-americans voters

Mike Smith reports on the Democrat Convention held June 3, 2006. The theme was a Ditch Mitch. This message was more than likely aimed at independents and nonloyal republicans.

What I was searching for was some type of award that was being handed out by the Democratic leadership to the African-Americans community. Somethinh, like a "pimped out" award that targeted African-American' groups like the Urban Coalition to mobilize the African-American voters in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I believe one member was granted a $20,000 dollar job by the Mayor. but lordy good god of molly, the Republican party were not to be outdone, and upped the ante. With a pimped them real man job with a high salary job with a $60,000 job, to a African-American minister in the same city. Can I get an amen.

So, what does the national republican does while the Democrats are recruiting independents and unloyal republicans? Tt seems that four Black Republicans are running for statewide elections. Is this a Republican battle cry that the south will rise again, with African-Americans males on northern states ballot ticket? In an article in the Washington Post, three African-Americans will be on Republican state tickets..see article

This appears to worry the Democrats just a little. In another article published in the Indyrecorder by Hazel Trice Edney or check out Frost reporting the words of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. If anybody can holler loud enough to get the attention of the democrats, it has to be Dean.

DNC Chairman Dean can learn from Indiana's Republicans something better than just hollering in getting the attention of African-American voters. A $60,000 job was offered to Rev. Michael Latham by Mitch Rood of the FSSA. Sweet. Not a bad deal for a pastor just having a one night sleep over for the Governor of Indiana.

I am not a proponent of church and state sharing the same bed, however, I just want to note here for the Democrats, that it's better to give than to receive. The Republican led faith base initiative can only build the African-American male economical power base. Especially when the majority of churches are owned by African-American males, even if churches are not considered businesses.

In the same article found in the Indianapolis Recorder, Dean's take the position that power is simply being on the ballot and takes the place of African-Americans being at the table. Does Dean have rocks in his head? The power for African-American is still at the tablele..that is a table with like-minded inclusive thinking individuals and not those wanting to hold onto the old status quo.

Indiana Republicans may be on to something in going beyond divisive issues such as immigration, gay marriages and affirmative action. Surely employing African-American males and the provision in the contract to sell(lease) the toll road for an apprenticeship for training African-Americans for jobs will send a strong message to the Democrats to stop pimping African-American ministers like little girls.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr wrote in Why We Can't Wait, as to the cross-fire of both parties when it came to the African-American's vote and suggested the forming of an Independent party for the convergent of interest amongst the people. King and his peers marched on Washington and it was a clear example of the electoral power of those who were fed up with exclusionary policies from both parties.

The Million Man March was another clear example of the voting strength of the African-American males and their dollar powers. And of course, the Million Woman March was a statement of simply saying you ain't seen nothing until you seen African-American women come together around an issue.

It may be hard out here for a pimp, but the African-Americans needs to demand that the Democrats up their ante, and I mean up their ante!!!

1 comment:

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