Friday, July 14, 2006

More on Color Blind Racism

Hmmm, if skin color is not enough reason for random harassment of African-Americans, now your hairstyle can get you in trouble In New Orleans. It is time to stop the madness.


  1. Anonymous7/17/2006

    HA! Your fav person changed his link to you!

  2. John:
    I knew it was nothing but for love for me, but he was just playing hard..

  3. I am still amazed that Turkette had the audacity to call you a racist. This man has (on at least two ocassions) posted stereotypical cartoons of Blacks and calls himself "Angry White Boy".

    I like what you're doing on this blog. Keep it up!

  4. Robert:

    Turkette is an interesting character. I created this blog, to express an oppositional viewpoint to racial issues. I understand, that everyone is not going to agree with me, but unless you know me, I don't think you'll able to pigeonhole exactly where I stand on any issue.

    Thanks for words of encouragement, I was told that you have a funny video on your blog, that an anonymous reader enjoyed and referred me to your blog.
