Monday, February 11, 2008

Michelle Obama -What Obama achieves it does not matter

Michelle Obama stated in Bethesda, Md, it was one year ago today Barack Obama announced he was going to be the next president. Obama stood on the steps of the Illinois statehouse in Springfried. Michelle stated that nobody was going to show up because the temperature was sub temperature. But, she found out like many folks are discovering she was wrong about the Obama appeal more than 16,000 folks showed up.

Here are some other things they got wrong about Obama campaign:

1. Could not raise the money

2. No Organization to compete with political dinosaurs

3. Iowa was a caucus-you need to spend time on the ground/no chance of winning

4. National Poll had him losing delegates but there was only a 2 point difference

5. South Carolina did not matter because he was support to win but Obama won by 28 points.

conclusion: Pundits sometimes get things wrong, or they don't know what they are talking about or all alone the people knew---Obama was like the little choo-choo, yes I can, I know I can.

1 comment:

  1. JaaJoe:
    As you point out on your site, Michelle received her increase because of a new position. This new position was created two month after her husband Barack took his senate seat. And you suggest that the one variable was the cause of the other variable.

    It is a possibility but not an absolute. You further suggest that the increase in Michelle's salary is a defining factor in the overall rise in the healthcare system.

    However, Michelle's salary increase occurred in 2005. I would suggest that an increase in healthcare as increase steady over the years and it is predicted it will continue to do so because of the aging of the babyboomers.

    I would further suggest that Michelle has stepped down from your position when she more than likely could have stayed on if it was for the reason that you early stated.

    I suggest that you look at the salary of other political leaders' wife who have benefitted from their husband position. I would suggest you look at Indiana Evan Bayh's wife, Sue perks that are in the millions.

    I don't believe Michelle is being dishonest when she points out the faults of our healtcare system.

    Thanks for your comment.
