Governor Sarah Palin did extremely well in her Vice President debate with Senator Joe Biden. She did not walk off the stage nor did she do a complete Kathi Couric repeat. Of course, Biden went easy on Palin, that what the folks wanted. But Biden, did (politely) get his digs in on both Palin and Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain. After Palin rehearsed response to a question, Biden pointed out he had yet to hear a plan. A plan would require some fact reading by Palin, who could not name a newspaper, magazine or United State Supreme Court Case beyond Roe versus Wade.
Biden, could not fault Palin, who was picked to attract young men and raced white women to vote for sex if they could not in good faith vote for McCain. Palin was not picked for her expertise in world affairs. Palin was quick to point out she was speaking to the American people out there in TV land who were drunks and mothers trying to raise families threaten with foreclosures in their isolated suburban neighborhoods, when she dismissed some of moderator Gwen Ifill questions. Is this the same attitude of United States Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney when he stated:
"[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it."
Was this not the same behavior of McCain who was going to refuse to debate Senator Barack Obama in Mississippi? But, McCain was reminded, this is not 1857 but 2008, don't show up and watch Mississippi gone for Obama!
Yes, Palin did extremely well for another Saturday Night Live parody.
..what is tuly unnoticed about this young woman..who has 5 kids..and is a Governor..after her less than stellar press inteviews..the winking..her absolute lack of common sense..and nothing stuck from her 6 colleges attended for her B.S...ironically..bs may stand for her choice..Mccain is done..and palin is right behind