Friday, November 07, 2008

Fort Wayne African-American did not vote a straight Democratic Ticket

Excuse me, but where is Dan Stockman, the journalist. Who in there right mind believe that AFrican-Americans would split their ticket to vote for Republicans who have kept them off the juror's pool? Who in their right mind would believe that the 150,000 votes that included African-American votes would have voted for a Judge that got 101,000 vote after being caught driving drunK?


that's right, folks in the City of Fort Wayne wants us to believe that African-American folks who elected a Democratic Mayor, split their ticket to vote for Nelson Peters!!! Do you really believe those Republicans who voted for Obama voted for those other Republicans? Come on people!!!

If somebody is not investigating they ought to be.


  1. You sure want to beat up on the human error over the jury pool issue. The civil rights division of the government reviewed such and found it was not just blacks excluded but also whites. That the way the data was collected to form the pool was in error.

    Now for your voting issue of African-Americans voters here in Allen County. How many are there? Do you have a clue?

    Do you know there are under 35,000 African-Americans over the age of 18 in Allen County? So if everyone of them could have voted, and did the number would be less then 35,000.

    I do agree with you with regards to Judge Felts being given a pass on DUI. Here is a guy who was driving a 3,000 pound deadly weapon and we reward him by putting him back on the bench. That is plain wrong if he is black, white, yellow, green, or any other color. This was not a race issue but an issue of social standing.

  2. First, Judge Felts is just one member of the corrupt legal system in Allen County. If you think Judge Felts was simply given a pass because of his social standing you are dead wrong. There are many folks with Judge Felts standing who believes he got away with murder because of his skin color.

    Now back to the juror pool, that was no human error. History, proves time and time again, that many wrongs that were committed again the African-American community were secret Allen County finally got caught. Who knows how many time these folks did this and got a way with eliminating THE WHOLE WAYNE TOWNSHIP AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY. IT SOUNDS LIKE THE SIMILAR TO THE OVERASSESSING OF THESE FOLKS IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY. Oh, don't let me forget to mention the majority of predatory lending that took advantage of African-Americans homewoner. This was well documented. COMPUTER GLITCH MY BACKSIDE.

    Just,Because there were few folks to challenge this issue was more than likely why the civil right folks were not able to find any violations.

    It was interesting to see and hear Judge Surbeck discuss this issue in the witness chair. This was not an issue that he wanted to testify about under oath.

    I will never forget that day.

    Last but not least is the issue of the voter's rolls being point had nothing to do with the number of African-American voters, but with the number of actual eligible voters.

    My concern was that if the population was xxx number and after subtracting xxx number of those ineligible to vote, there was no way the number that was provided as eligible voters unless some voters were listed more than once and some names were not removed from the voters roll.

    And if that is the case, this would allow those folks who are crooks to take advantage of the system. And these same crooks would have no problem manipulating the system.

    So, my suggest is that Allen County use machines that will determome your registration address at the time of voting. If you don't update, you vote provisional. I believe this will eliminate my concern about Allen County tampering with the outcome of the elections.

    Thank you for reading.

  3. I agreed with you on double names that may still be on the list of possible voters. But the Democrats have fought purging since it has come up. So until a system is agreed apon then be prepared to see a list of voter names greater then the actual number of voters.

    I believe you can return to your old voting place if you have moved within so many days of an election. The printed book I believe, but one would need to check, is set right after the final day to sign up is past. A machine/computer would not be any more current then that.

    There is no way for ANYONE at the elction board to know if you or I move out of state. Hence, our name stays on the voting roll. Just a few years ago you could moved within the state and file as a new voter in some other county and then be listed in two counties. Then even a few years before that you could be listed more then once within the same county. It mades no diff if you where black or white.

    As for the judges being crooks go to the feds be it civil rights division or the FBI. Tell them the story you have and let them look into it.

    As for value of property let you tell you my house was over valued and it took an appeal to get the dollar value down. If you think that was isolated to Wayne Township you are wrong.

    I keep reading into your comments how the legal process must have a real issue with African-Americans here in Allen County. How do you figure such and it is based on what?

    Frankly what I do not understand is how a community area of maybe 4 square miles allows murders to run free without anyone saying a word. I can not believe some of the killings and shootings at the gas station on South Anthony where not witnessed by people that knew the shooters. I can not understand how a community can give these street punks a pass. Honestly, what is the thought process in protecting them? It seems it just makes the punks stronger and to pray even more on their fellow residents. Maybe you can offer some insight because the media has not and I just do not understand such.
