Sunday, April 11, 2010

Don't get it twisted should sistas date outside their race ?

Does the question itself imply African-Americans women must seek permission on their selection? Is African-Americans women dating rituals determined by someone other than their own choices? Could this means African-American women are limited to arranged relationship based solely on race? Are we just a group of groupthinkers?

Aren't we some bad mamma jammers. We are loosed, unbounded biblically speaking or something like that. In other words secure in own skin to do whatever the h-e-to the double ll as we please.

Didn't Loving vs Virginia end the States deternining who could couple with whom back in the day? Didn't Brown vs the Board of Education free up Linda Brown to not only sit next to raced white folks but to date raced white folks? Haven't our brothas been given each other the high five, fist pump, a wink and a smile, pat on the back for mating with raced white blond women?

So, what is it about a sista dating or coupling with the other? Sista your dating behavior is being watched. The topic about interracial dating by sista in the blogosphere has been on fire. Now a sista Karyn Langhorne Folan has written a book “Don’t Bring Home a White Boy: And Other Notions That Keep Black Women From Dating Out". The Harvard educated sista is encouraging educated sistas to go west or go other than a brotha to end her dateless weekends, nights, or bed.

Educated sistas?? I'm guessing here, but was she implying that educated sistas are the only sistas whose opinion count in the world for sista behavior? I am just asking.

Emma Downs
feature writer for Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette asked my opinion about this encouraging sistas to go outside the race in her article, Couples hurdle race barrier:

Jacqui Dowdell, administrator of the local *blog dowdellresearch/social media ( – formerly Fort Wayne African American Independent Woman) believes the idea of black women being taught not to date outside their race is outdated and often generalized by the media. *thanks for the mention I needed to correct the title of the blog

Books such as “Don’t Bring Home a White Boy: And Other Notions That Keep Black Women From Dating Out” are often one perspective on why many black women don’t date outside their race, she says.

“The media can only provide a snippet,” she says. “One book is not indicative of what is really going on. There is a whole world out there.”

Dowdell is currently visiting her daughter in Italy. In Europe, she sees a lot of black women dating non-black men. And in America, women in general are more confident about choosing their mates, she says.

“It’s an evolution,” she says. “Each generation redefines who they are. Females know now that we live in an integrated society and choosing a mate is not left up to the men. They judge a mate based on that person’s values.

“But it’s not like we are giving up on the brothers. We can go outside and plant flowers, but we don’t give up on the brothers.”
Yep, evlution not progress but discovery.

Sure I have my opinion. And don't let the flowers thing throw you, here's a post where I used or referred to flowers, it's just my get back to nature kick, I think.

Anyway, back to the interracial dating thing, it's only my opinion. The opinion that really count is the sistas and their mates who are making these decisions. Here is another opinion of mine, whom you are dating is a private matter. Yep, and when you go public with your choice it is others opinions (mom, dad, friends) that may cause harm to your relationship. I'm just saying, just ask my daughters, and my grandson who calls me a subliminal racist!! What could have gotten into his mind, but he is entitled to his opinion but he clearly does not understand what is racist!!!!

It is how you handle other opinions in developing your relationship. It's a take me or leave me, kick butt, or take no prisoners attitude. Whatever?!

Would I encourage a sista to date someone that is not a brotha? This is my rule, I am not in a relationship, so I am not the person to counsel you on your relationship. That's just the way it is. But, if you ask me my preference.. it's brothas, brothas, yep brothas and they just don't come from America. Check out my blog and I will freely give my opinion if you read :here, here, here or just about anything. LOL

So what say you?

Read more about African-Americans women

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