Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cousin Jeff

Cousin Jeff, from BET is supporting Kenneth Blackwell. Blackwell, is an African-Americans running under the republican ticket. Cousin Jeff, raises an eyebrows in announcing his public support of Blackwell. As the Democrats and Republicans positions themselves to use high visible African-Americans to support their African-Americans candidates. Some are suggesting that even, Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. had to have been a Republican, coming from the south and being a Republican. Maybe, he came from a era that celebrated the Republicans for being a facilitator of the liberation of African-Americans. However, in King, Jr.s book, Why We Can't Wait, he suggest we embrace the idea of an independent party. Nevertheless, the question for many African-Americans voters is, will these candidates make a difference on policies impacting their communities.

I think not, I believe that the candidates who will make the different are those candidates at the local level. Those who are connected to the voters, at the grassroots levels, out there working in the community. Those candidates who have worked actively in knowing the voters needs in their community. These candidates can turn around the democratic or republican agenda at the grassroots level. However, as Dr. King, Jr. suggest an independent party will more than likely speed up this process. Lani Guiner, suggest that other join us in this process. If African-Americans could save the United States, surely we can save ourselves under an independent party.


  1. Yes, I plan on changing my classification to "independent." I don't trust the elephant or the Donkey.
